Infertility Treatment
Large-scale studies have actually shown that assisted-conception techniques, such as In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ISCI) and Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) have resulted in increasing rate of endometrial cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer among women who have been treated with them. Doctors downplay the serious side-effects of fertility drugs as being only hot flushes and abdominal discomfort but one of the manufacturers of fertility drugs Serono, a Swiss-based pharmaceutical firm, warns that Serophene or clomid causes ovarian enlargement, indicating that more potent super-ovulation drugs like Metrodin causes a serious medical problem called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) that calls for immediate hospitalization.

Science-based Natural Infertility Treatment
More childless couples are turning to fertility drugs and techniques as the percentage of infertile couples keeps rising. Fertility drugs are, however, associated with cancer of the ovary and the breast. Here at Goshen Biomedical Clinic, we offer safer, natural and drugless treatment for both male and female infertility.
Natural and Safer Treatment
If IVF and GIFT still have low success rates and carry such high risks, it follows that it should be a choice of last resort, if at all, for childless couples. Doctors in organizations like Foresight: The Association for Preconceptual Care say, from practical experience, that fertility problems, including blockages and low sperm counts, thought to be untreatable, can actually be resolved if couples improve their nutritional status and resolve any allergies. After following the Foresight diet and supplement programme, over 80% of couples with previous histories of miscarriage or infertility move on in life to give birth to healthy babies
Like Foresight, we at Goshen Bio-medical Clinic help our patients identify the possible causes of their infertility and then encourage them to follow a safer natural treatment, comprising dietary plan and supplement programme that can reverse their infertility. Our success rate over the past 40 years has been remarkably high.
Individualized Treatment
Our treatment is customized to meet each patient’s personal health needs. Our generalized model for treating infertility includes: Dietary Plan, Supplements, Psychotherapy, Enzyme support, and Botanicals.
Lab Tests & Imaging
Before treatment starts, patients are made to have comprehensive lab Tests done – Hematology (Plus ESR), Biochemistry, Liver Function Test, Endocrinology, Lipid Profile etc. at reputable laboratories to ensure reliability of results. CT Scan or ultrasound are also done if necessary. The results generally give clearer picture of the patient’s reproductive status and that enables us to effectively deal with the underlying causes of infertility.
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